
Dealing with QT is easy, flexible and cost efficient.

In China "who you know" often determines whether you succeed or fail in business. Sourcing quality products from reliable factories is our first priority. It is the hard work, knowledge of the culture and local languages, trips to China and patience to develop a business relationship which are critical to do business in China. Our trade clients take advantage of our wholesale contacts and consultation expertise enabling them to secure their purchases.

You are interested in importing from China – QT can help you. Our expertise is evident in fast response times, better suppliers, production flexibility and competitive prices. Even though China enjoys the reputation of producing goods at highly competitive prices, you will be surprised by the difference it will make when we approach the manufacturer on your behalf. If it is the wholesale quantities that you are looking for, we can help you.

Our philosophy is choosing the “right” companies and thus avoiding unnecessary troubles. Nevertheless we monitor product quality throughout the production process thus minimizing the occurrence of defective products. We make sure the delivery schedules stay on track.

We are constantly improving and developing our product range in order to meet customer needs. Ultimately our business success depends on that of our clients.